Jul 25, 2011

...so far ...so good! (I missed coffee)

It's been a while since I write in this blog. There is a reason; I was tired. emotionally tired and I had just the right amount of energy to be good and keep it up.

I am good.

I kept it up, as i had mentioned before with a LOT of help of my friends, with ENERGY coming from all over, with a BIG CONFIDENCE on the universe and it's plans for me and FULL of LOVE.

what else life's about? nothing.

I look back and that is the answer, there is nothing else I could ask in my life but the blessing of waking up everyday being sure all what I said before was part of me and with the luck its reinforcement by diverse demonstrations.

Day +9 to +10 were full of news, full of excitement every time the doctors came and gave me the latest tests on my blood white + red cell counts ... on my platelets ... THE BONE MARROW IS WORKING and that what at the end really counts.

Sometimes i was just worn out, no red blood cells means no energy and I didn't thought it was so true until one day I could barely stand up and move to my bed, lesson: every time you are eating protein + iron be aware, you are giving real fuel to your body :)

Some other moments I just felt great of knowing the count was going up, little by little but surely growing and soon it would be enough to start the next adventure.

To be true, I just felt alive and happy.Second truth, I never thought the next adventure was just about to start.

The 24th of February 2011 in the evening the crew of doctors came in my room, leaded by Dr Hurtado my Hematologist, they left the door open. Yeah! I freaked out! no virus in my room please! but they are the doctors, they know what they do. It is a remarkable moment, I was skypeing with Alex, my mom was sitting in the sofa, all covered as it was supposed to be. Anita my nurse was there, all covered and surprised. The doctor told me, stand up, we are leaving to room #24. Alex in the screen, me open mouthed just could say No! I am not ready! how is the blood cell count? two days ago I had NO IMMUNE SYSTEM!!! I think we could do this tomorrow! he answered, you are ready, put on two surgical masks on and lets go, you have more than enough white cells to move to the next room. No visits yet, everyone with masks but you are moving. My mom reacted as I did, she said that maybe we needed some more days in the isolated room .. that how sure was to take me out. The Dr. Smiled and said, we are ready, I know. Alex walked with me and mom out of the room. I was smiling a lot even if no one coud see due to my masks. everyone who saw me seemed happy and let me tell you, EVERYONE WAS WATCHING ME!

I was something in-between happy and nervous, very happy but not really getting the situation, I was OUT! just 10 days after the trasplant.The following day/night were just happy. I felt tired, I felt weird of having new nurses and people coming in. I felt insecure, unprotected, very vulnerable. I trusted though, breath deep and think on what Alex reminds
me always, they know what they are doing.

one of my highlights this day was that I drank COFFEE, damn, COFFEE IS GOOD! I missed you coffee!

Next surprise/adventure arrived the 27th february, the day that full of vulnerability & joy I left the hospital at around 2pm with my mom, my dad, my beloved brother Ade by my side; Uri in Copenhagen and Alex in Toronto thinking about it, they were the only ones so far i could let know (everything happened in a matter of minutes!), anyhow and anyways, I am sure many people was happy of that in that moment and feeling a vibrant energy of someone that is feeling the sunlight directly in her skin again ... breathing fresh air ... being out and alive.

I got home full of questions of how to live far from my nurses, the hospital, my robots and my spaceship.

Goyo was happy to see me, even if it was from afar. I was so happy to see him. Oh my god, I looove that dog, I missed him so much. we were both so happy. I can't wait until we are running again.

My room was empty almost. so clean.

I did quickly put out my photos.

I was hungry, I ate a salad. A simple one, delicious and so fresh, I needed fresh food. Ohhh I did missed salads so much! life out is good!!!

PROCEED WITH PRECAUTION, SAFETY FIRST and last but not least PUT A MASK BEFORE ENTERING THE HOUSE were some of the life mottos that proceded the next months in my life. little by little there was less cautions to take, blood is getting stronger.

Masks around me did disappeared one day. They were not necessary all the time! Yey!! (I have to tell you all, still today, the 25th of july 2011 I do carry a Mask in my purse, if anything you know ;) )

March-April and May were the most challenging months. I didn't know patience was gonna take that new meaning after this 3 months. I will write about it in my next blog post. I just tell you as a preview that it wouldn't have been possible to got through them without my family, Gregorio outside of my window making me company day and night. Alex, his love, his visit and our daily skype sessions, the Morley Family and their support, Ale, Den and Paula, their unconditional friendship and patience, their weekly visits ... as well as all my friends that were always, always as we say in Mexico: "Al Pie del Cañon".