Feb 22, 2011


I need to sit and wait...all day long excited about what was going to come in the afternoon and all day long wishing for it to be a total and complete success.

Day Zero is called the day that the second part of the transplant is made.
And that day is today.
Actually I am loving the fact that is the 14th of february. I am getting back my stem cells during a day that many people is thinking on love, making love, sending love ... and love is all around the world. Normally I am not a big fan of valentine's day, but I just thought that is love is normally flowing that day...and hearts are all over, I like it as my day zero.

The day was loooong, as when you are sitting and waiting for something.

Finally at 6.50 pm the doctors arrived.
I was ready with several robots connected to my body. Ade was with me then...and we had some good fun with the robots.

I was more and more excited, but i could see everyone else was too.

Dr. Rafael Hurtado - Haematologist-Oncologyst
Dr. Pablo Vargas - Internal Medicine
their assistant (sorry forgot the name)
Dr. Julissa - Cardiologist
Maria Luisa - Nurse

It all started a bit chaotic, they brought in the bag of stem cells. They have an awesome color.

When they were hanging it from the electric grandpa* somehow the bag containing them broke so stem cells were all over....all the doctors were moving fast as the nurse was bringing some other bag...I have to admit that made me a bit nervous ... but the medicines they gave me somehow coped with my nerves and made me a bit sleepy. They fixed it by doing a surgery to my stem cells bag, as you can see it in the picture; by then the medicine was having such a good effect that I was even thinking on taking pictures with my cell and sending them to Ade and my dad by bbm and to Alex by email....so they could see!!
The stem cells started running in my veins. I felt really happy, those guys going in my body are the ones that will make me healthy again, they were out of my body for a week, waiting until I was ready for them, they are life.
The doctor explained me that as soon as they are in the veins, they start looking for the way home. Inside the bone marrow, in between many other cells there are some that have a magnetic call for the stem cells, and that is how they actually get home, they should all be in 36 hours inside the bone marrow...and getting ready to work.
I really like imagining them...colorful and full of life...here's a picture I found of stem cells so you can see what I am talking about
beautiful eh?

In a couple of hours my stem cells were in. I had a good time with the doctors. As they needed to keep me awake so i told them how I was feeling and stuff they were telling me stories of their lives and talking to me all the time. So, i sent all my good energy to the bag of stem cells and talked with the doctors, my mom came in towards the end, she seemed happy.
When the bag was over, we celebrated.
I closed my eyes and told them to get home soon.
I was still excited, and really happy. like i got back in me something so important.

I talked to dad, Ade, Uri and Alex. We were all happy...

I slept, so good, so calm.


*electric grandpa: Named by Alex Morley, it is the robot from where all my medicine, serum, stem cells or chemos are hanging and delivered to my body. Before it was electric grandma but she had to go to a special surgery after too much work with my chemos.
here some pictures.

electric grandpa some of what he holds

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